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  • Is CBD chocolate legal?
    We are able to ship our CBD chocolate legally to all 50 states. CBD chocolate contains only trace amounts of THC that do not cause a psychoactive reaction.
  • How much CBD chocolate should I eat?
    Everyone’s body reacts differently to CBD chocolate, and we recommend starting slowly. Start with 10 mg of CBD (which you can find in several of our products such as the CBD bar and disks… and then move up depending on how you feel.
  • Does CBD help with anxiety?
    Some people may have reduced anxiety when using CBD consistently . If you are interested in more information about how CBD can help your body check out this research article from Harvard.
  • Is there edible CBD?
    Yes - you can ingest CBD tinctures sublingually, and we do have full spectrum CBD oils on our site here. All of our products have undergone third party lab tests and you can find the test results here.
  • How quickly does edible CBD work?
    It truly depends on the person and the desired results. If you choose to let the chocolate melt in your mouth you can experience effects such as relaxation within minutes. If you chew the chocolate it will absorb through your intestines and can take longer for you to feel the effect.
  • Is chocolate used as medicine?
    Chocolate has been used as a healer since ancient times. Both the physical characteristics of the cacao and the feeling you get when consuming chocolate can promote overall health and well being- and that is also true for CBD chocolate bars. For more information on chocolate as medicine, this article from the Smithsonian is a great read.
  • What is the healthiest chocolate for you?
    We think DAR chocolate is the very healthiest for you, but we are completely biased as it’s our sister company. We have both vegan dark chocolate and milk chocolate in various flavors, and our truffle bars are insanely indulgent. From low sugar chocolate bars to our Murray River Sea Salt bar, you should definitely try them if you haven’t already!
  • Does CBD chocolate help you sleep?
    ​Many people report feelings of relaxation after consuming CBD, and this feeling can be intensified if the CBD chocolate is consumed before bed.

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